
Thursday, 5 January 2012

Google’s SEO Strategy

Google’s SEO Strategy
Google’s SEO Strategy
Google’s SEO Strategy

As an online marketer or business owner you are always looking for the SEO strategy to increase you’re traffic, conversions and sales. We have built our entire business around helping people do just that (and we’re pretty good at it).

If you’re experience is anything like mine you are inundated with offers that promise the world when it comes to traffic. SEO Strategies, tactics, ninja tricks… implement that, do this, put your link here… All of it with the sole goal of getting more eyes on your page, and that’s great, we all want more traffic.

We talk a lot about the overall seo strategy in our business and how implementing the right SEO strategy will help you to achieve your goals, and the freedom that comes with it.

Matt Cutts, a top Google software engineer, recently shared a video with me on Google+ (by the way we are in the Incoming PR labs testing Google+ right now, go ahead, click the +1 in the upper left, we’ll be sharing our results soon). Anyway… Matt’s video is about how Google is constantly working to improve its algorithm and the results displayed to users, that is at the core of Google’s SEO strategy. Check it out:

Whew! 500 algorithm changes a year, that’s a lot to keep up with! In fact, the Google algorithm is way too complex to keep up with. By focusing on the algorithm itself and trying to “game” the search engines you may see some good short term results, but when the next big change comes you could be in big trouble, that’s the wrong seo strategy.

I’m often asked why the now infamous Google Panda/Farmer updates did not effect our clients (in fact it even boosted many of them). The answer is simple, we follow the same overall seo strategy Google does: Create a better user experience by providing people what they are looking for.

Google’s real seo strategy is to give people the results they want, at the top of the page, every time. It’s easier said than done. Try a few searches using the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button on Google’s home page. If Google were to succeed in its ultimate seo strategy that button would return exactly what you were looking for every time.

But the algorithm is not perfect, it will always be evolving.

So as an online marketer or business you can focus on the algorythm, making changes that get you quick traffic. I often find it is very easy to get lost in the minutia of all the tactics. Doing anything it takes to get higher rankings in the search engines. The problem is that you are missing the secret sauce, the one thing that will put you at the top of the results and keep you there almost indefinitely, the SEO strategy.

That secret sauce is embodied in Google’s seo strategy, they talk about it EVERY DAY, they give you a clear path to follow, all you have to do is follow it. Focus on your users experience. Give them exactly what they were looking for when they searched for your keyword. Unique, engaging content focused on the subject they are interested in. Now that’s an seo strategy!

By targeting keywords wisely and then giving the searcher exactly what they are looking for you create a powerful winning combination that converts like crazy.

Simple SEO Strategy: Give them what they want! (TM)



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