
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Who’s the Fastest Browser of Them All? Firefox 9 for Windows 7, Safari 5 for OS X Lion

Every so often, Tom’s Hardware runs what it calls a “Web Browser Grand Prix,” putting the latest browsers through a battery of grueling benchmarks. The last throwdown took place in August, and was notable for its inclusion of a “hackintosh” computer, except that wasn’t enough for Mac-heads, who worried the results might be biased for lack of an authentic Mac in the mix.

Until today: TH just published one of its multipage, exhaustive benchmark features, pitting Chrome 16, Firefox 9, Internet Explorer 9, Opera 11 and Safari 5 against each other. The test machine? An 11-inch MacBook Air with a 1.8GHz Intel Core i7 processor running OS X Lion and Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (via Apple’s Boot Camp) — about as apples-to-apples as you’ll get in cross-platform Mac/Windows testing.

(MORE: Google Demotes Itself in Its Own Search Results)

The results are fascinating if you have time to comb through them, derived from what TH calls “core, observation, dated, and quarantine” tests, each keyed and weighted to reflect TH’s experience with the benchmarks and how trustworthy their results are. The tests consist of routine activities, ranging from startup times and cached or uncached page loads to each browser’s chops running stuff like Java, Silverlight, Flash and HTML5.

And the winners: On Windows 7, Firefox 9 (Safari took last place) and on OS X, Safari 5 (Firefox took last place). But here’s the interesting bound-to-be-contentious part — the overall winner was Firefox 9 on Windows 7. TH writes:

The red bars that occasionally appear in our charts denote when an OS X-based browser beats all of the Windows 7-based competition. We use the word occasionally because we only had to switch the Mac OS X green bars to red four times. That’s four out of 35 eligible charts, as opposed to the 10 out of 29 OS X earned on the Hackintosh system we used in Web Browser Grand Prix VI: Firefox 6, Chrome 13, Mac OS X Lion. While many Mac fans expected to see OS X really hammer Windows 7 on a genuine Mac, the home court advantage didn’t do Apple any favors.

One thing TH’s benchmarks can’t measure: stability. Safari 5 for OS X Lion crashes routinely for me, no matter the number of clean OS X Lion rebuilds, a dearth of browser extensions (read: zero), my diligence in keeping all plugins updated (e.g. Flash) or my relatively spartan applications load. For some reason, once I have half a dozen tabs open in Safari 5, working mostly in WordPress, I have to deal with occasional (as in a few times a week) “the page isn’t responding, force reload?” error messages, which basically reboot the entire browser, wiping any volatile data, clearing my cache, and forcing me to log back into the five or six services I use to work daily.

And so I’ve been using Chrome, which seems more responsive than Safari to me (I would have argued, not scientifically mind you, that it was the faster browser until seeing TH’s benchmarks). So much for psychological objectivity!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Adwords Optimization

Adwords Optimization
Adwords Optimization
Adwords Optimization
Adwords can be the most effective and the most reliable way to drive massive traffic to one's website. This may sound simple to take Adwords services from giant search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc but professionals advice that you should rely only on Adwords service providers for the same.

Why Adwords Optimization is required?
If you do not have the required experience in dealing with all Adwords issues then it is better you rely on those who have the experience in providing Adwords services. Adwords Optimization is the key to gain proper results through Adwords in search engines.

Often Adwords advertisers complain about less conversion rate or low presence or ranking in search engines. They grievance about dissatisfaction from Adwords services but do not fully understand this that if their add has low ranking in search engines then it is because of their wrong choice of the keywords. If the keywords chosen are irrelevant or have no connection to the business services you are providing then naturally search engine ranking will get effected.

It is always advisable that you should take Adwords Optimization services from expert Adwords Optimization Service Providers.

It is of preliminary importance that Adwords such as Google Adwords, Yahoo Adwords, Bing Adwords, MSN Adwords etc should be optimized properly and if they are not optimized then getting desired results will remain a dream. It is always very important you improve the quality of the adds by selecting the keywords much more relevant to your business services or products. Increasing a bid may sometimes work wonder.

Take help of the Adwords professionals who know how to increase the quality of your Google Adwords or Yahoo Adwords etc. Take the most reliable services to gain higher ROI (Returns on Investment) from our Adwords optimization services. Get your Adwords optimized properly from professionals and gain presence in search engines.

Branding or SEO?

Branding or SEO
Branding or SEO?
Within marketing there are two giants, SEO and branding. Where many choose one or the other, new marketing strategies have proven to assist in creating a brand while still deploying effective SEO campaigns. However, unlike websites that concentrate only on SEO, sites that are attempting to create a brand are limiting their SEO for stronger branding. This is a practice that might be hurting you rather than helping you. Here are a few ways to create an effective SEO campaign while still working towards a strong branding.

Choose Your Domain:

What’s in a name? In the case of branding, everything is in the name. Just like,, or, the name says it all. If you are attempting to create a brand your domain name is important. This is going to be the first mention of your brand when someone wants to visit you online. Though many SEO marketers create domain names that relay the message of their sites, in branding you want to relay the brand you are creating.

When choosing your domain, you will want to choose one that is easy to remember, is recognizable, and identifies your site. You don’t have to be a company to have a brand; you just have to have identity and something the people want. Just like, anyone with anything of value can create a brand that people will recognize.

Create an Identity:

The most important aspect of branding is to create an image people will recognize. If you see an apple with a bite taken, you automatically associate that with Apple. If you see a large golden M, then you are probably craving a Big Mac from McDonalds. Identity is imperative to branding but also to SEO.

You don’t have to create an icon or logo that identifies your site, though it does help. Branding and SEO are both about getting your site and message out. With that said, you will want to be sure your site, message and identity is unique. This is hard considering the vast amount of information on the internet, but it is possible. Take your message and create a unique twist that you can create your identity from.

Use Your SEO Campaign for Branding:

In the past few years, many believed that you had to choose between SEO and branding, however, branding and SEO should go hand in hand to be successful. If you have created a unique identity that defines who you are, include it in your SEO. Utilize keywords, meta-tags, and advertising to get your brand out there.

With social media playing a huge part in SEO and advertising, you can assist your branding with the same tool. Create a Facebook page or Twitter account for your brand. Get involved in the community with new posts, latest news, or information that will engage your followers. This is a great way to get your brand name on the lips of thousands.

Blogging for Your Brand:

There is a trend that many are using to build SEO and backlinks with ease. Guest blogging is a simple way to get your brand out there while increasing your SEO strategy. Find sites that are relevant to your message and offer guest posting. This will create valid backlinks as well as include your brand name in the posts. This is the perfect example of how SEO and branding should go hand in hand.

Branding and SEO marketing were once a black and white decision. Now you can create a brand without compromising your SEO strategy. Find new and effective ways to include your brand name in your SEO and also add to your SEO by including your brand.

About the guest author: Nate Dorcett works with businesses small or large on the best experiential marketing agencies to use for their needs.

This is an original article published on SEO Desk with exclusivity.

Enter the Amazing World of Google Adsense

Google Adsense
Google Adsense
 If you have tinkered around with Google to earn some online income, then you must have heard of Google Adsense! The concept is deemed simple by many and hence is also often confused. Proper understanding is necessary if one wants to use it to earn regular income. Lets take a brief look at some of the strategies that one could use to make the process lucrative and increase ones overall revenue.

Before we begin with the strategies, lets briefly understand and define Adsense. Google calls it a free and easy way to display targeted ads on publisher’s website and dish out pay per click Adword results. The publisher can choose to display text, video or image advertisements. It also gives publisher the choice to use Google search bar, which would be used to fork out relevant ads directed to the Google SERP. Once the publisher formally registers, the income is generated on Cost per Click or Cost per Mille basis.

Now coming back to the strategies that must be used, go through the following points.

• Ads must be part of the content
• Pay attention to the classification of where you place your ads
• Always favor text based ads over image based ads and pay attention to their sizes
• Avoid using borders for your ads
• Show only relevant ads and block the unsuitable ones

Starting Internet Business from SEO Point of View

Starting Internet Business from SEO Point of View

Today we are going to discuss , how to start an internet business from a SEO Perspective.

1) Buy OLD Domain Name instead of New one:
From my experience, I recommend buying old domain names instead of new ones. As I have seen old domains performing better in search engine’s ranking wise than new ones. Not only with age comes trust and authority but it is easier to rank high in google with old domains names compared to new ones. Microsoft has filed a patent on October 10, 2006 for Ranking Domains Using Domain Maturity and google has a similar patent as well.

If you are wondering where to buy old domain names then Domain Tools is the place to do so. They provide excellent option to search for expiring domain names via their Advance Auction Search Page. You can search domains based on TLDs ( .com, .net, .org or other ), Dmoz or Yahoo Listing, Age, Rank, Length, Alphabetically or Registration Year.

2) Get Exact Match Keyword Domain If Possible:
When it comes to Exact Match Keyword Domain name, then you are allowed to make exception to point #1. Google really loves exact match keyword domains and gives them special treatment. For example, if you go to google and search for Bikram Mann you are going to see my site in the top 10 results as of today. To be honest, I have not done any link building optimization as of this post writing but still i rank in top 10 results for my domain keyword. You can also see another example from my previous post Importance of Exact Match Domain Name. to clear your doubts further.

3) Get Top Level Domain Name Extension:
.Com Extension of the domain name is the most popular and it is considered the industry standard. Just take a look at all the big brand’s COCA-COLA,TIFFANY, PEPSI, MICROSOFT, GOOGLE etc. They all use .Com Extension of the domain as their main website. Since this version is so popular, even if you end up developing a brand name on different extension, people will still search your brand name by adding .com at the end of the brand keyword. Moreover, .com version of the domain name will always rank higher in search for that particular domain keyword ( which you are going to end up developing a brand )compared to other extensions.

If you can afford, I would recommend that you buy .net, .org and along with .com version of the domain name. Because in the near future, once you develop a brand name, over 50% of your traffic is going to come via your brand keyword. There are going to be a lot of people who are going to want bite off your pie which you earned by your hard work. So, what they might do is register .net, .org or version of your domain name and start generating profit of your brand.

Now you might be thinking, even if i buy these four domain name extensions what about the rest 200 plus extension left ? To answer this question lets take an example that if somebody buys .de extension of the domain name and launches a competing website to feed off the brand name. Now what you can do is launch .net, .org and version of the domain name and push him down the search results. Extensions .com, .net and org will always rank higher than any other extension of the domain. If you are big brand then you can also register a trademark for your brand keyword and take violator’s domain by filling trademark infringement case against them.

4) Renew the Domain Name for Length of 10 Years:
On October 11, 2006 Google filed a patent ENTITY DISPLAY PRIORITY IN A DISTRIBUTED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM in which there is an interesting line on page 2, #40 about domain name registration.

40. The method of claim 38, wherein the domain-related information is related to at least one of an expiration date of the domain, a domain name server record associated with the domain, and a name server associated with the domain.

In simple English the above would mean that Google can calculate a score based on expiration date of the domain, name server records associated with that domain, and a name server associated with the domain. As you can see from the above patent, domain name expiration date does matter in Google search engine ranking. So, it wouldn’t hurt to register the domain for longer period of time.

If you think logically calculating domain name expiration date as search engine ranking factor would make sense. Because a spammer wouldn’t want to register a domain for a period of 10 years, just to throw it away the next year. I would highly recommend that you register your domain name for period of 10 years. As this will show that you are serious about your business and going to be around for long time.

5) Get Dedicated IP Address for your Domain:
If you ask ten different SEO Experts that what role does dedicated IP address play in search engine ranking, you are going to get ten different answers for it. The truth is Google algorithm does favor sites with dedicated IP addresses vs shared IP Addresses. Sometimes having a shared IP address could affect your sites ranking and authority. For example, lets say the IP address where your website is hosted, has 20 other sites hosted as well. Since, you cannot verify niche of sites that are hosted on that particular shared IP address, you could end up becoming a neighbor to wrong sites like gambling, porn, content farms etc. So, Google might put in the same bracket as of those sites.

I would highly recommend that you get a dedicated IP address for your site as there is nothing to loose by doing this. Now days, on most of the hosting providers, you can get a dedicated IP address somewhere between 1 to 3 dollars.

6) Get Reliable Hosting Provider:
It is very important to have a reliable web hosting provider from an seo perspective. Because if your website is having frequent down time, more chances you have of loosing your ranking in search engines. I have seen sites shift from #2 position in google to #5 position within a period of day or two just because the website was down for that period. Now some of you might be thinking, why would google lower the ranking of sites based on their down time. The answer is simple because when your website is down, search engines cannot crawl your site to get updates thus in return affects your ranking. Also, if you are running an e-commerce site it affect your reputation and you are going to loose sales for the period of time your site is down or inaccessible.

7) Get Attractive Web Design Done:
Website Design has nothing to do with search engine ranking in general. But having a professional web design does put good impression on a new customer. To me professional web design symbolizes Quality, Professionalism and Trust. Because getting attractive web design is not cheap at all. It can range anywhere from 2,000 ( starters ) to 10,000 USD ( high end ). Today there is a lot of competition in the internet market, no matter what field you choose but a good design can differentiate you from the others. Not only good design but the choice of colors can make impact on your sales. The impact might not be huge but even if 10 extra people buy from you because of the impression that your web design put on them, you just made some extra money and if we think the whole purpose of SEO is to increase ranking thus increasing the sales in return.

8). Get HTML and CSS validation:
9) Write Killer Title and Meta Description:
10) Use Keywords in Image Names & ALT tags :
11) Use Search Engine Friendly URLs instead of Session ID’s:
12) Provide RSS Feed:
13) Provide HTML and XML Site Map:
14) Have a Privacy Policy and About Page:
15) Have Search Box visible on all pages:
16) Focus on Usability:
17) Have a Company Blog:
18) Add your site to Google Webmaster Tools:
19) Track Traffic with Google Analytics:
20) SEO Copy Writing:
21) Provide Live Chat Option:
22) Show Trust:
23) Have a Favicon Icon for the Address Bar:
24) Have a Robots.txt file


Justify The Value Of SEO

Justify The Value Of SEO
Justify The Value Of SEO
Justify The Value Of SEO

Most people do not set the expectations right with search engine optimization (SEO) effort. I was reminded of this when speaking with the prospect, who asked what kind of return on investment (ROI) is expected for his commitment to the EES.

“I expect an exponential growth, something like 20X the traffic that I currently do,” he said. “If we can get a number 1 ranking for a keyword, it should be sufficient to get us there, do not you think? ”

A Top Ranking Is not it enough

Your goal can not be # 1 on a keyword. This is not a goal.

What if you get the highest rank for the keyword, and something happens, like a big turn Google’s algorithm? Then you have lost your ranking for a keyword. What then?

Although everyone has one of the keywords you drool, a solid, long-term presence in search engines is one which balances its presence through a series of keywords.

A “goal” should be increased traffic, and – at the end of the day – to grow your business (more leads, more sales, and ROI).

SEO SEO vs. Paid

Many people find it easy to budget for paid search. They understand the basic principle:

* Spend a dollar for every click.

* Set a budget of $ 10 000.

* Get 10,000 clicks for keywords that I want to “rank” of.

But what if you could get 20,000 clicks to invest that same $ 10 000 in SEO, PPC advertising instead? Was not this a better deal?

To be fair, the above example is an oversimplification, only intended to make a point. The 20000 can be increased by 10 percent in “good” traffic – traffic that is relevant to know, is transformed into a lead or sale, or at least show some quality metrics (eg time on site).

Having said that at the sight, he stopped. “I never really thought that way.”

SEO ROI: No guarantees?

Do not get me wrong. I understand that SEO is very different from the PPC.

With SEO, there are no guarantees. Chances are that, for any reason, you will never achieve a solid ROI from SEO. Some of these reasons may include:

* You took the wrong people / EES.

* IT team can do what is necessary to fix things, which lead to better rankings / traffic.

* You can not / will not create content that will result in a note / traffic.

* The expectations were turned upside down to reality.

* No keyword search volume you are interested in the destination – no amount of number one ranking could never be the same ROI.

SEO can be high risk, high reward. When I say “high risk”, I do not mean the kind of high risks associated with the ability to be banned / punished in the search engines to tactics such as hacking, cloaking, spamming, etc.

My point is that even if you work as a search engine guidelines, there really are no guarantees, because we do not own the search engines. Search engines are a third party, we have zero control.

A “good” ROI on SEO

If you invest $ 10 000 per month in one SEO action (whether in personnel costs or agency), you must have an idea of ​​what a “good king” looks like.

Maybe you’re one of those who have realized that the cost per click paid search is getting higher for keywords that have been addressed. Perhaps reached a point where it is difficult to argue that the money spent worth it?

Say you sell a $ 100 device, and net 30 percent of each sale ($ 30). If the average cost per click is $ 1 and the conversion of 10 percent on the sale of $ 100 invested in paid search clicks to a sale of $ 100 100 in which offsets $ 30.

Unless you care about brand value (which I would say that people should consider at least a little when trying to assess the PPC and SEO), is not a good ROI. In fact, this is not a return on investment. It is a waste.

What do you need this investment will pay? Without some ‘math: For every 100 visitors to convert on 10 percent will go on sale with our $ 30. We would have 3000 visitors and 300 sales. There are 300 sales would be worth $ 30,000 ($ 300 X 100/each) and there would be net of 30 percent of this (9,000 dollars).

Now we have something to work.

Do we feel that we can put $ 7000 a / month of resources (money / time, etc.) to SEO to help achieve the goal of winning 3,000 visitors? Or, perhaps the conversion rate is very late and is closer to 5 percent?

Maybe we need 6000 visitors? Are we willing to fund this “cost” (in the first months of research, etc.) to hope to achieve return on investment potential for the month, then?

When you have identified how and / or can operate SEO ROI so you can begin to discuss what value / opportunity could be and what the risks and rewards can be.          


SEO Expert to Organic Web Strategist

SEO Expert to Organic Web Strategist
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become more involved over the past couple years including additional activities that need to be performed to stay competitive. An SEO has been upgraded to “Organic Web Strategist“, according to a blog post on SEOmoz by Rand Fishkin.

Sometimes it’s difficult for the average business owner to understand the value of organic search engine optimization, but you should realize that by gaining a #1 ranking on Google for a keyword that would drive 5000 new and relevant visitors a month to your website would mean (even at 1% conversion rate) would equal 50 new sales a month! When you multiply this with your average customer value you can determine how much revenue a #1 ranking would produce on just one highly relevant keyword phrase.

To get an idea of how much additional SEO work is needed to compete, below outlines activities by the SEO era. By no means is this an exhaustive list but provides an outline of how SEO has become more involved, more work. There’s more competition than ever before so it takes more work to get that coveted top tanking for your best converting keywords.

Before 2004 SEO consisted of:

Crawlability of Wesbite
Spider-Readable Content
Search Engine Friendly Navigation/Architecture
Limiting any Duplicate Content Issues
On-Page HTML Sitemaps

Basic Keyword Research
Keyword Targeting for Individual Web Pages
On-page in-content Text Links

Link Building:
Reaching out to other webmasters
Blogs and related Sites
Guestbook and Signature links

Search Verticals:

From 2004 to 2008 SEO expanded to include the below items in conjunction with the items above.

XML Sitemaps
Quality Content Creation – no thin content
Issues with the Nofollow Tag

Keyword Research now includes:
Keyword Difficulty Analysis
Keyword Commercial Value
Keyword Usage in Images
Keyword Manipulation generally in Footers

Link Building added:
Social Media Marketing specifically for Link Building
Press Release and PR Tactics
Content Syndication
Badges and Widgets
Embedded Content
Guest Blogging
Article Marketing
and more

Search Verticals added:
Local SEO, Maps and Google Places, Bing Local, etc.

Here is the over all picture in 2011, these SEO activities and responsibilities include:

Site Accessibility
Developing a website that can be easily crawled and indexed

Market / Keyword Research and Targeting
Picking and testing the right keywords, knowing they convert via PPC tests, and then employing them effectively for organic search

Content Strategy
You need a plan on how to leverage your businesses resources to develop useful, valuable, relevant and share-worthy material

Content Creation
Creation of blog posts, evergreen content, infographics, interactive works, apps, tools, and more

Link Building
Investigating, tracking and acquiring high quality links

New Search Protocols, Rel=Author, Video XML Sitemaps and more

Search Verticals
Images, local, video, news, blogs, social, mobile, product, and more

Community Management
Creating and participating in conversations around your brand/sector in beneficial ways to drive awareness

Social Media Promotion
Utilizing Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+1, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg, etc., to improve reach and social buzz

Social Network Reach
Improving the size, depth and breadth of your social networks to reach more potential customers and connections

Reputation Tracking
Watching your brand’s search results, social media remarks and web content to track success and monitor danger

Local / Maps Optimization
Optimizing for placement in local search and local portals, both web and social including monitoring local activity

An Organic Web Strategist then would be defined as having many more online marketing responsibilities than the basic or advanced Search Engine Optimizer – as it incorporates many facets of the growing social web. Any business that wants to succeed in the future needs an experienced SEO Company aka organic web strategists to get the results and the ROI that will allow you to continually expand your online marketing efforts.


Google’s SEO Strategy

Google’s SEO Strategy
Google’s SEO Strategy
Google’s SEO Strategy

As an online marketer or business owner you are always looking for the SEO strategy to increase you’re traffic, conversions and sales. We have built our entire business around helping people do just that (and we’re pretty good at it).

If you’re experience is anything like mine you are inundated with offers that promise the world when it comes to traffic. SEO Strategies, tactics, ninja tricks… implement that, do this, put your link here… All of it with the sole goal of getting more eyes on your page, and that’s great, we all want more traffic.

We talk a lot about the overall seo strategy in our business and how implementing the right SEO strategy will help you to achieve your goals, and the freedom that comes with it.

Matt Cutts, a top Google software engineer, recently shared a video with me on Google+ (by the way we are in the Incoming PR labs testing Google+ right now, go ahead, click the +1 in the upper left, we’ll be sharing our results soon). Anyway… Matt’s video is about how Google is constantly working to improve its algorithm and the results displayed to users, that is at the core of Google’s SEO strategy. Check it out:

Whew! 500 algorithm changes a year, that’s a lot to keep up with! In fact, the Google algorithm is way too complex to keep up with. By focusing on the algorithm itself and trying to “game” the search engines you may see some good short term results, but when the next big change comes you could be in big trouble, that’s the wrong seo strategy.

I’m often asked why the now infamous Google Panda/Farmer updates did not effect our clients (in fact it even boosted many of them). The answer is simple, we follow the same overall seo strategy Google does: Create a better user experience by providing people what they are looking for.

Google’s real seo strategy is to give people the results they want, at the top of the page, every time. It’s easier said than done. Try a few searches using the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button on Google’s home page. If Google were to succeed in its ultimate seo strategy that button would return exactly what you were looking for every time.

But the algorithm is not perfect, it will always be evolving.

So as an online marketer or business you can focus on the algorythm, making changes that get you quick traffic. I often find it is very easy to get lost in the minutia of all the tactics. Doing anything it takes to get higher rankings in the search engines. The problem is that you are missing the secret sauce, the one thing that will put you at the top of the results and keep you there almost indefinitely, the SEO strategy.

That secret sauce is embodied in Google’s seo strategy, they talk about it EVERY DAY, they give you a clear path to follow, all you have to do is follow it. Focus on your users experience. Give them exactly what they were looking for when they searched for your keyword. Unique, engaging content focused on the subject they are interested in. Now that’s an seo strategy!

By targeting keywords wisely and then giving the searcher exactly what they are looking for you create a powerful winning combination that converts like crazy.

Simple SEO Strategy: Give them what they want! (TM)


Web Analytics Tools

Web Analytics Tools
Overview: These free and paid tools allow you to track what keywords are sending you traffic, what keywords are profitable, and what keywords lose money. As soon as you start tracking results your campaigns get more efficient because you start focusing on the results.

Tracking where you already rank does not alert you to potential areas of opportunity that you have not yet focused on, but if you track conversions you know what those keywords are worth, and it is easier to rank for keywords related to words you already rank well for than it is to rank for a whole new basket of keywords.

At the bottom of this page is a free video about using web analytics tools.
Free Analytics Tools

These tend to be limited in feature set and give themselves sitewide links on your site, or require you to trust giving a major search engine like Google virtually all your marketing data.
Google Analytics - powerful full featured analytics tool. Even allows you to track your ROI by keyword for each AdWords ad position. Google AdWords also has internal split testing and conversion tracking software & offers data integration with Google AdSense that you can't get with any other web analytics tool.
Google Website Optimizer - allows you to A/B split test landing pages and track how well Google AdWords traffic converts.
Piwik - realtime open source web analytics program
Open Web Analytics - similar to Piwik, but more lightweight. Also comes with the ability to record the browser screen on user's sessions.
Site Meter - starts off as free, but charges for advanced features
Stat Counter - starts off as free, but charges for advanced features and bandwith usage.
Webalizer - default log analyzer on many servers.
Analog - default log analyzer on many servers.
Awstats - another popular default log analyzer on many servers.
Cheap Paid Analytics Tools
Clicky - cheap web based tool similar to Google Analytics. A few less features, but you get realtime data and are not giving all your data to Google either. Also offers a cheap white label analytics package convenient for SEO firms looking to add another revenue stream to their businesses.
Mint - affordable downloadable analytics program that you set up on your own server. Unlike most other paid analytics programs in Mint does not track conversions.
WordTracker's Strategizer - helps bucket data from Google Analytics into groups to help you spot opportunities to grow your organic search footprint
Affordable Business Analytics Tools
Yahoo! Web Analytics - formerly known as IndexTools, free for users of Yahoo! advertising & ecommerce solutions, available via their consultant network partners.
Weblog Expert - Downloadable log analyzer. Starts at $75.
Clicktale - specializes in customer heat maps
Crazy Egg - somewhat similar to Clicktale in providing analytics visualization
Usability Feedback
User Testing
Feedback Army
more options
Expensive / Enterprise Premium Tools
Google's Urchin
Adobe's Omniture
comScore's Digital Analytix Suite
IBM's Coremetrics
Background Information on Web Analytics

If you need more background on analytics try the free 44 minute video by Avinash Kaushik.

Related Categories
ppc tools - tools to help you track and refine your PPC campaigns
competitive research tools - these tools will show you keywords sending traffic to competing websites
Know Any Other Tools Worth Suggesting?

email me
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Want more great SEO insights? Read our SEO blog to keep up with the latest search engine news, and subscribe to our SEO training program to get cutting edge tips we do not share with the general public. Our training program also offers exclusive SEO videos.

Website Monitoring, Site Speed and SEO

Website Monitoring, Site Speed and SEO
The suspicion that site speed might be a ranking factor for Google was just a suspicion; that is, until April of last year. Google plainly stated site speed as a factor in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking. What does this mean? Website performance monitoring needs to become part of your SEO process – if it isn’t already.

A while back, we published an infographic to help explain the various levels and tools of website monitoring. Using this infographic, let’s discuss how website monitoring relates to SEO, and how it can strengthen your SEO campaign and response time.
Website Monitoring: The Questions to Answer

It’s easy to check site speed, thanks to browser extensions like Page Speed for Firefox, WebPagetest and Google Webmaster Tools. Lucky site owners and SEOs can look at these tools and smile, because their site is speeding along at 1-second load times.

Most aren’t that lucky. Most find out their site is slower than a turtle stampeding through peanut butter. For those SEOs and site owners, it’s time to go down the list of potential issues, like these four:
1. Is the web server up or down?

This seems easy to answer. You go online and enter the URL of the site. If it’s up, it’s up; if it’s down, it’s down.

You can’t stay online 24/7, however; if your site goes down at 1 am every morning, chances are you’re not going to know about it. Website monitoring works around the clock. What you’ll get is an email saying, “Psst… Your site is down at least 10% of the time.” In most cases, the problem is your hosting provider.

If you consistently have a high down time, you usually have two choices:
Upgrade your hosting account – it could be caused by using a shared server
Change your hosting provider – some hosting providers just don’t provide high quality services. You may have found one of them. Utilize a web hosting service that places a high priority on customer service.

If website monitoring shows your web server is working correctly, it’s time to look at your pages.
2. How long does it take to load a page?

You probably know by now that site speed matters in more places than SEO and search rankings. Let’s talk visitors. Studies show most visitors are either lost or kept in the first six seconds. If your page takes longer than 6 seconds to load, you haven’t had a chance to make an impression at all.

If it does take a long time to load a page, you have to understand part of your on page SEO probably isn’t working. It’s a definite your marketing lingo isn’t working. In other words, you have some severe issues that need to be fixed.

Your job is now to find out why the page is loading slowly. To find that out, you have to go down the list of questions and answer them with your website monitoring reports:
3. Is the content loading as it’s supposed to?

As much as you may hate to hear it, slow loading sites are most likely because of JavaScript files, images, flash or other “eye candy” goodies. It could also be because of something as simple as one image – referenced in the code but not found. In other words, it could be one problem or many.

In website monitoring reports, problem files stick out like sore thumbs. You can’t miss them.
4. Are the site functions loading correctly?

“Site functions” can be classified as functional extras. Shopping cart functions are a good example. If other files are loading properly, there could be compatibility issues with your site functions and server.
Improving You Site’s Speed

If you’re already monitoring your website and the reports say your site is slow but it isn’t your server, you have a hard road ahead. Even professional web developers want to throw their hands in the air sometimes. However, here are a few pointers that can give you a little boost and start you on your way to a faster loading site:
You have to know what parts of the code do what. For example, if you have a Google Analytics tracking code on your client’s site, you – as the SEO – should know that ga.js is part of that code. If you see “jquery.jcarousel.js”, you have to know what program that file is attached to.
For each issue, you have to decide whether site speed or usability is more important. Ask – does this file provide essential additions to the visitor experience, or is it just eye candy?
You have to be unemotional about your site design. Whether you’re digging through the code or your SEO is telling you about it, you have to be willing to cull things you may really like. Usually, the “extras” are causing the site to slow down.
You have to be willing to change programs. Program XYZ may be your favorite forum program, but recent server updates have made Program XYZ load extremely slowly. It’s time to make a change.
Always make sure your images are optimized for the web. This doesn’t necessarily mean all should be PNGs (many think PNG means optimized). It means all should be optimized to the smallest file size. If a .jpeg has the smallest file size and faster load time, use a .jpeg.
Will Your Site Win the Race?

What do your reports say about your site? Does it drag behind the rest? If everything is great, should you continue using website monitoring as part of your SEO process?

Well, just as SEO is a continual process, monitoring your website should also be continual. Even if you don’t change anything on your site, things could begin to slow because of things like server or browser updates. Remember – the more fancy stuff you have on your site (including images), the slower it can get. That’s just how websites work.

Keeping your site in tip-top shape is the best way to succeed in online business. Website monitoring is a good way to make sure your site isn’t getting flabby. Run a site speed check on your site; we’d love to hear how you’re doing!

The SEO Benefits of Submitting Press Releases

Submitting press releases is a practice that is overlooked by most online entrepreneurs because they feel like they are not necessarily making “news” in their business. But you can write and submit online press releases on just about any topic concerning your business.

Press releases are an effective way to raise your profile online, increase your online exposure and credibility in your marketplace, but they are also a great way to increase targeted traffic to your website, and build lots of high quality in-bound links to your website, which is good for your SEO.

What makes an effective press release?

When you are writing a press release, you need to write from the standpoint of being informative rather than self-promoting. They should be keyword optimized and carefully crafted to present an unbiased view of the topic. Again you are informing not trying to persuade the reader. If the content of your press release is compelling enough, the reader will follow the link to your website where you can do all of the persuading you want to.

Keep the goal of the Press Release in mind

If the goal of your press release is to get actual media coverage and exposure for the launch of a new book, product or service, or for a major event, you should consider submitting your press release to a reputable submission service. These services carry more clout with reporters who rely on them to filter out some of the lower quality content online.

When your goal is to boost your site’s SEO and attract a nice flow of targeted traffic to your website, you can get away with using automated submission services and software tools to save time and effort.

How to streamline press release submission

Once you’ve got your press release written, your next step is to submit it to all of the press release websites online. Just as with writing articles and submitting them to article directories, it’s the submission part that takes a lot of time and effort.

If you use press release submission software you can significantly speed up submission of your press releases, so you can do it on a more regular basis. Here are some of the features of press release submission software:
Some of these software packages include templates that you can follow
Separate profiles for different websites
Reporting tools
Title and description rotation
Supports Keywords

How do press releases help boost your site’s SEO?

Since most of the factors that influence your website’s SEO are off-page factors such as the number and quality of the in-bound, or back links to your website, you should put a lot of effort into creating a constant flow of high-quality, relevant links to your site. When you write a press release using the keywords that you want your site to rank for, and then you submit it to hundreds of press release sites, you are creating hundreds of links back to your site from relevant, authority sites. This is good for your site’s search engine optimization.

SEO Services – Few Things That You Need To Know

A quick search online for SEO services would give you with a pretty good idea when it comes to just how many individuals and companies are offering their skills to help you out. Now, choosing one from this lot can be pretty tricky especially if you are a beginner because you don’t know which ones are reliable and which ones you should stay away from. It can be quite confusing, there’s no denying that. However, to help you make a more informed choice and find the right person or people to do the job for you, here are a few things that you need to know about and consider before you settle on a decision.

Company Bulk SEO Services – These refers to the companies that have solely dedicated themselves to providing SEO related services. Basically, they have in their employ, an “army” of experts in the various aspects of SEO such as article writing and others. Since they have plenty of people working for them, they would be able to complete orders within a day or two after you’ve placed it. It is likely that more established or bigger online businesses would make use of their services because it can be pretty expensive for the average website owner.

However, there are new businesses that have big budgets that do make use of their services. This is because these businesses are in need of extensive promotion in order to get plenty of clients at the shortest time possible. An SEO service company would be able to provide them with that simply because they more resources to tap into. If they need to submit hundreds of articles online in order to promote their client as efficiently as possible, they are able to do so quickly because of the people they have in their employ.

Other SEO services that these companies might provide include link building which some people find extremely tedious and complicated. With the help of these experts, you can finish up all there is to do with your SEO within a day and see results within the week. Some companies also offer website design in order to fully optimize every aspect of it and make sure that it is very easy to navigate.

Freelance SEO Service Providers – For those who don’t have the money to burn when it comes to dealing with SEO service companies, freelancers are the next best thing. These are individuals or small groups of people who would be able to provide you with the same services that the bigger companies have except they are more affordable but might take longer to complete. This depends upon your order, of course. If it is small then they might be able to finish it within the day. Small orders include those people who need someone to update their blog with content or create interesting articles for them to post. You’ll find that the SEO services they have on offer are very competent and wont burn a hole right through your savings account. Often they would charge per article or per job thus making it more affordable for you.

SEO Marketing

SEO Marketing

Is Your Website Hard to Find on the Internet?
Looking for an SEO Marketing Company to Take Care of that Problem?

We will get you to #1!

We guarantee success in your online ranking. If you don’t see improvement in ranking and website traffic, you don’t pay! We stand behind our SEO Marketing services and will deliver the results we promise. If we don’t improve your search engine ranking, you pay nothing. With a guarantee like that, you have nothing to lose!

Getting on Top with Real SEO Company

Real SEO Company Search Engine Optimization professional use effective, ethical and tested approach to get into the tops 10 rankings in Yahoo, MSN and Google. The companies flexible approach and proven SEO techniques make sure customized SEO marketing technique for your unique needs. Contact our SEO professionals for a free analysis or customized quotation.

RSC SEO Marketing employs the most up-to-date white hat SEO strategies. This is only the tip of our iceberg: we care about your website like our child and do whatever it takes to get it to the top of the search engines. We also can employ our unique methodology to build your brand, increase your sales, manage your online reputation and take effective steps to get your business a mile ahead of your competitors. RSC SEO also provides Guaranteed Top 5 First Page Placement in listings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing with organic SEO. As busy as you are with the day-to-day operations of your business, you don’t need to add this to your stress list. RSC SEO Marketing has it all taken care of for you. Our team of experts will take the reins and flawlessly execute your desired Internet marketing plan.

Assured Top Ranking

We look at your business’ needs. After our team does the proper online keyword research, we will draw up a campaign proposal custom to your individual needs and goals. Most campaigns will involve a combination of Search Engine Optimization, Link Building Services, First Page Placements, and variations in Marketing. We will do whatever it takes to reach your online goals. That’s our promise to you.

Real SEO proven strategies and outcome make us the best SEO provider for our clients with around 95% of them continue to use our services through our SEO services or latest SEO marketing tasks. We are sure that we will help your site rank higher that we also offer a moneyback guarantee on all our SEO services.

Starting with the free evaluation of your website to select the most appropriate keywords and competitive evaluation to gain and maintain higher ranking for your site, we are dedicated to increase your ROI from our expert SEO services.

Why Do You Require SEO Services?

The number one source of traffic to your site is search engine with more than 85% of web users using search engine to search for web sites. Most of them don’t go beyond three pages of the search results, with most of them visiting sites listed on the first page. In case your site is not listed in top 10 for primary search engines, you are being left out by your competitors. It was proven many times that search engine marketing if applied, you will have higher ROI and revenue.

At RSC SEO Marketing we work with a myriad of customers. Our clients are nationally-known, sometimes internationally-renowned, but we can’t forget that all business is local. We devised a strategy called Local Business Search Optimization. This will allow you and your company to be included in local business listings. You can showcase all your business features and competitive strengths: products, services, hours of operation, brands, and specialties. Our Local SEO Marketing will put your website in major local directories and national search results too

Why Choose Real SEO to be Your Partner?

Our SEO services provide constant results and ROI at cost-effective rates. Here are some of the advantages that you can get when using our service:

• Through our guaranteed SEO services you will have guaranteed results

• Only honest SEO optimization strategies. We assure you that we are not using anything that will ban your site or harm your long lasting position.

• Customized SEO services to provide solutions to your distinctive requirements. Starting with choosing the right keywords, onpage optimization, competitive analysis, submitting sitemaps to Yahoo and Google, blog marketing, article and targeted link building.

Start Optimizing Your Site Now

Our SEO marketing services are created to offer top ranking to moderate competitive keywords and also very high competing keywords where the company use a staged method. Our expert SEO services has packages focused on Pay per click PPC campaign, ongoing SEO maintenance package, popularity building and directory submission. Check out our cost-effective SEO packages Real SEO offers.

One of our experts are available to discuss your needs and provide you the best solution for your business. We are working patiently with you to answer all your questions and inform you precisely what we would be doing. We will evaluate your business for free and provide you a custom quote about our SEO services and we contact you within 24 business hours.

We will be waiting for your call and answer all the questions that you might have. Call us and we would be happy to talk to you.

Top 100 Blogs of 2010

This year we set out to come up with a useful and interesting list showcasing 100 of the best blogs on the Internet. This list should give you a good inside track into the vast world of ideas out there on the Internet. It's impossible to scour the net for all worthy blogs in a list like this. And we are sure to have left some important blogs out.

To put the list together we polled 30 Internet professionals who make their living as online influencers: social media experts, publishers, internet marketers. This left us with a list of over 360 unique blogs. From there, our editors identified the most commonly nominated blogs and made sure to include them in their respective category. All remaining blogs were evaluated based on criteria such as uniqueness, influence, community engagement, and so on.

The end result is a unique list of blogs that is both familiar and surprising. We hope this list can serve as a useful starting point for all your blog reading needs.

Funny Blogs

The Oatmeal
Can be hit or miss, but the hits are outstanding and well worth your time.

The Onion
Consistently one of the internet's funniest sites, and it's companion site "The A/V Club" is one of the best pop culture sites out there as well.

Hyperbole and a Half
We guarantee you'll find something here that you'll want to email to all your friends.

You have to like British humor, but if you do this site is hysterically funny.

Ugliest Tattoos
Hilarious, but also sort of depressing. Click through and you'll see what we mean pretty quickly.

Awkward Family Photos
Sometimes sites come into existence with premises so obvious it's hard to believe they haven't always existed. This is one of those sites.

Pure schadenfreude.

Texts From Last Night
Because we've all been there and done that, though most of us are smart enough not to text about it.

Shit My Kids Ruined
Every parent has been here, and taking a picture is probably a better response than acting on your feelings at the time.

Married To The Sea
One of the best comics online.

Smart Blogs

Consistently fascinating data cultivated from one of the biggest online dating sites in the world.

Information Is Beautiful
Gorgeous infographics, for lovers of design and knowledge.

Neuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what's going on inside your brain.

An always interesting science blog centered around evolution and biology.

Mental Floss
The online component of the brilliant magazine, Mental Floss is the master of the esoteric.

Group blog, tagline "Best of the Web".

Signal Vs. Noise
37 Signals has always been an interestingly non-traditional company, and their blog focused around design and business is a great reflection of that.

The Straight Dope
Like Mythbusters for those with ADD.

Lone Iguana
Like your favorite uncle, this site teaches you things you probably shouldn't know.

A look behind the curtain at the life and thoughts of a popular science fiction author.

Lifestyle Blogs

The best of the Gawker media blogs, reading Lifehacker will almost certainly make your life easier.

Four Hour Work Week
Love him or hate him, Tim Ferriss is a fascinating character, and so is his blog.

Zen Habits
Reflections on living life more simply and more consciously.

mnmlist: just the essentials
If the show Hoarders makes you break out in a sweat then this is probably the blog for you.

The Survival Podcast
Sustainability and a good read if you're fearing the worst after the recent economic downturn.

Study Hacks
Originally focused on students and academic success, but recently has expanded to lifestyle design.

Marks Daily Apple
Fitness and nutrition advice that just works. From the author of "The Primal Blueprint"

Ross Training
Rock solid strength and conditioning advice for gym rats, and people aspiring to be.

Fitness Black Book
An ongoing guide to having a functionally fit body.

Single Dad Laughing
Journey of a single father, post divorce.

Matador Network
A treasure trove of travel content.

Political Blogs

Politics with a helpful quantity of snark.

The Daily Dish
A former conservative who still straddles both sides of the line, Andrew Sullivan is one of the more interesting pundits working online today.

Ben Smith
A political linkblog that covers virtually everything interesting happening in politics.

The LRC Blog
Libertarian politics from a well respected libertarian thinker.

Written by Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit was a very early conservative blog that is still going strong today.

Five Thirty Eight
Statistical political analysis. Read it if you want to know what's going to happen in an election before hand.

Wired Danger Room
National security news.

Link Blogs

One of the most rewarding (and oldest) linkblogs around

A tough blog to sum up succinctly, Boing Boing covers a multitude of interesting topics centered around things the editors find fascinating.

A curated collection of "neat" things.

Look at this...
Your one stop shop for everything interesting that happens on the internet.

Dark Roasted Blend
Incredible pictures, links, and stories on a wide variety of awesome things. One of the most fun and eclectic sites online.

Links to the best in longform magazine writing. Heavenly when used in conjunction with Instapaper.

Interesting Pile
Blog of a librarian who curates interesting links and lists, daily.

Entertainment Blogs

Oh No They Didn't!
A great example of a massive group blog, Oh No They Didn't! is a huge LiveJournal community posting dozens of celeb gossip posts per day. Extremely comprehensive and a great community.

Best Week Ever
Humorous look at what's going on in pop culture and online.

Bitten and Bound
Celebrity gossip and pop culture news, captures the zeitgest very well.

Just Jared
Probably the most sourced celebrity and pop-culture site on the net.

Another one stop shop for celebrity gossip.

Pop Watch
Entertainment and celeb news from Entertainment Weekly.

Pop Candy
All sorts of geeky pop culture items, from writer Whitney Matheson.

Coming Soon
Movie trailers and news on upcoming films.

If you're a big movie fan then this is the site for you.

Sports & Auto Blogs

The dirty side of sports, Deadspin always delivers something interesting and often tawdry.

30 fps
Screen caps from sporting events. Best used in conjunction with the site's Twitter account for added context.

Joe Posnanski
The blog of the best sportswriter working today.

Just A Car Guy
You never know what you'll get, but it's all car related and it's all cool.

Probably the best car site on the internet.

Bring A Trailer
So many project cars, so little time and money.

Business & Economy Blogs

Five Cent Nickel
Investing tips and personal finance.

The Conglomerate
Law, business, and economics.

Dealbreaker: A Wall Street Tabloid
Wall Street gossip, more interesting than it might sound.

Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship and business advice.

A Smart Bear
Startups and marketing ideas and advice from an entrepreneur who sold his company for millions.

Mises Economics Blog
Economics from a libertarian point of view.

The Market Ticker
Economic news with a heavy dose of political analysis.

Economist’s View
A professor of economics from the University of Oregon discusses politics and economics daily.

The Big Picture
Barry Ritholtz is one of the best financial (and political) analysts online.

The Oil Drum
A look at energy news and the reality that the oil will eventually run out.

Geek / Tech Blogs

Geeks Are Sexy
A celebration of geek culture.

Topless Robot
Nerdy news presented with a nice dose of humor.

Ostensibly a geek blog, but really it's about raising awesome children.

The ultimate authority when it comes to tech news.

Games, gadgets, movies, and gossip all in one package.

Everything interesting in the video game world filters through Kotaku eventually.

Hack A Day
Hacker culture and tips on getting more out of gadgets and items we all own.

Internet & Marketing Blogs

Search Engine Journal
Possibly the most respected voice when it comes to search.

Your one stop shop for all possible internet news. Mashable is comprehensive and authoritative.

Make Use Of
Tech news and guides to make your life easier.

Read this and you're writing will almost certainly improve. Your thinking will as well.

One of the first bloggers to make a career of it, Darren Rowse has a great deal of wisdom to impart.

SEO Book
If you're trying to monetize or grow a website then this is a must read site. Aaron Wall is one of the sharpest guys online, in any space.

Seth's Blog
Seth Godin is a legend when it comes to marketing, and for good reason. Just about everyone would learn something from Seth's site because many of the lessons apply to much more than just business and marketing.

Home & Family

Young House Love
Follow a Virginia couple as they renovate their home and share all sorts of design and house tips.

Budget Bytes
Good eating doesn't have to be expensive.

Apartment Therapy
Perfect for people as they get their first apartment or home and get tired of eating ramen noodles on an old card table.

Get Rich Slowly
Personal finance and money tips for the long haul.

An unconventional but interesting look at fatherhood and marriage.

Motherhood Uncensored
Mommyblogging is a massive niche, and Motherhood Uncensored is one of the most compelling reads in the genre.

One of the first blogging celebrities, Dooce is a motherhood blog that also works as an interesting look at a unique individual.

Relationship & Gender War Blogs

The Spearhead
Smart commentary on men's issues and social misandry.

Gawker's female-centric pop-culture blog.

A full-on male hedonist writing about female psychology.

Young feminists writing about women's issues.

The Frisky
A mix of relationship advice and news, for women by women.

Married Man's Sex Life
Something of a neglected niche online, Married Man's Sex Life writes in a non-traditional (read: realistic) way of keeping your marriage healthy and hot.

Hooking Up Smart
Thinking critically about young women's culture and health, mental and otherwise.

Art of Manliness
This concept could have easily devolved into pictures of hot women and shallow thoughts, but this site offers surprisingly thoughtful articles on what it means to be a man.

In Mala Fide
Ideas of a passionate man with strong opinions on just about everything. Played a big role in exposing the identities of Julian Assange's rape accusers.

SEO Link Building

SEO Link Building

SEO Link Building -Boosting Your Rankings

Building links is the primary factor major search engines make use of to rank web sites. As a result link building an important part of any successful search engine optimization technique. Real SEO & link building services are created to set up and boost your website’s link building. Our SEO sources section offers all the details, help and information you’ll want to launch your own productive link building marketing campaign. It contains detailed information about link building, helpful link building tools, Blog site lists and web directory lists you can use to build links, however perhaps you don’t have enough time to do link building to your website?

Don’t undervalue the need for quality links. A good deal of site’s ranking power is maintained in the quantity and quality of its inbound links. The links offer the necessary recognition for the internet search engine in your business specific niche market. Obviously, link don’t just boost your site ranking in the search engines, additionally they offer more way for potential customers to reach your web site.

Allow us to create your links as you do everything you do best, developing your business. We are going to handle every factor of your link building plan from beginning to end. Our link building solutions only use honest strategies. We don’t use any technique that can infringe Google’s Guidelines, MSN’s Guidelines or Yahoo Guidelines.

Where You Should Begin With Our Link Building?

Real SEO web directory submission service implies the most effective value for your money, developing probably the most quantity of links for your site. Adhering to completing your web directory submission, our on-going link building service will develop over 80 links aimed at your site monthly. As a leading online marketing service provider, we provide consulting services at our training courses for link building. Our best tools for educating consists of a link building chart.

Link building is probably the most typical and efficient methods for enhancing your website’s profile and because of this, its total visibility. Nevertheless, to be able to achieve full benefit of links, you have to make your links cautiously. That’s where our skillfully maintained link building solutions can help you find quality link to enhance your visitors and site profile.

SEO Link building is a valuable part of any optimization campaign. As everyday passes, there’s greater level of competition on the net to be on the first page of a Google search. Link popularity is a vote given to an web page. This is a very substantial element when search engines such as Google rank websites for the specific keyword and award a page rank. Real SEO marketing very optimized process of generating fast and quality link building technique provides you with themed links to accomplish top ranking with major search engines.

Why You Need Real SEO Link Building Service?

• Boost your search engine rating for your keywords
• Boost traffic to your site
• Developed related and powerful links to your website
• Boost your online visibility

Real SEO Effective Link Building Process

• Link with particular keywords in the anchor text
• Links from high page rank pages
• Absolutely no spam policy in building your links
• Make use of articles in building your links
• Reciprocal link building where appropriate

Why Choose Real SEO Company for Link Building?

We have comprehensive expertise in professional link building. With over 100 websites utilizing our Link Building techniques. You re going to receive monthly link building reports outlining the task we have carried out and you may keep an eye on building your project making use of our online customer service. Real SEO search experts are on hand to talk about your link building project when needed.

dedicated seo staff

Do you want someone who can take care of all your SEO needs?

When it comes to search engine optimization you should never take it lightly because it can really make an impact on your website performance and visibility. Hence, it is always recommended that you go for our dedicated SEO staff that focuses on stronger strategies and cost cutting options. DxSEO dedicated SEO staff is certainly beneficial to you because they work on only one project at one time and therefore you can have their undivided attention towards the kind of work you want to get done. They will focus completely to your project and ensure that your website visibility increases over few days time. They have all the experience and therefore they work for pure and guaranteed rankings.

If you are looking for SEO expert that can handle all the SEO problems on your website and makes your website visible on all top search engines then you should go for dedicated SEO staff. Our dedicated SEO staff has complete knowledge about how to make your websites work through right processes and tools. Our dedicated SEO staff is highly qualified and they have an excellent SEO background that makes them the best in the market. You can certainly depend on them and look forward to other aspects of your business as they will handle the SEO part without any problems. They are aware of specific work plans and instructions that can help them to provide better results. To make it better they have excellent communication skills that gives them an edge over other SEO professionals.

Since our dedicated SEO staff is highly experience you can be sure that they know some of the best SEO methods and market strategies that can take your website from nowhere to everywhere. They are not only good at their work but also at providing you weekly reports to ensure you know all the things that they have done on that particular week. Our dedicated SEO staff works 8 hours a day, 25 days a month under favorable working environment. They will provide you with all the information that you need to know through timely emails and instant messages which means that there is totally honesty and transparency between you and them. You can ask for weekly or daily reporting as per your requirements. Since all the dedicated SEO professionals are highly skilled SEO experts they do all kinds of SEO work for your website like keyword traffic analysis, keyword research, website analysis, keyword competition analysis, white hat SEO, search engine submission, manual web directory submission, meta tag updating, submitting your website link to forums, blogs, guest databases and social bookmarking sites. They also provide traffic report, directory submission report, back links report, Twitter marketing and link wheel creation.

If you are interested to hire our dedicated SEO staff you can email us at admin (at) or contact our Sales team for more information.

10 Basic SEO Strategies

10 Basic SEO Strategies
The most esteemed technique for online marketing and advertising are, on the alternative hand, the placards and also pop-up windows. These are novel inputs that entice more internet browsers and customers by the ingenuity and uniqueness because the web makers administer to create eye-hitting structures that drift from one side of the window screen towards opposite. This determines the amount of viewers that click on the website. If you need your online promotion will probably be real hit, you must join quite a few skills as possible and state that you accomplish your concentrated audience. Do not overlook the influence of the Internet in product endorsement because it is a mandatory instrument in today's society for budding entrepreneurs who would like to take their trade to some higher level.
Search engine optimization is among the most relevant topics in the ether nowadays. Since more and extra people wanted their online business to see the highest rank in bing search, SEO strategies became any in demand topic all over the net. Actually, there are a number of whole websites and even books out there that focus on that subject. People should go and find them because the world of SEO is constantly changing due to those search engine listings that always find time to twist their algorithms, and also because new engines like google come while some of them are gone. Although we tend to cannot change that point, there are still many timeless SEO strategies that can always come in advantageous; here are 10 endless and basic SEO tips it's possible you'll use to improve an individual's site's ranking.

1. Writing an excellent content is an critical strategy in SEO. A website that contains good, significant, very useful content will more than likely rank higher than another pages available on the internet. And because of the nice content of your document, it encourages other sites to hyperlink to your page and may further increase your search engine results positioning; but remember to update your page regularly as most visitors like it fresh and they will visit your page more frequently.

2. Do keyword analysis. Don't just use an important phrase that sounds good or to because it gets a great deal of searches. Do your researching; think thoroughly what you really want your visitors for you to do on your site. You can use tools such as Google Analytics and then determine which keywords result the greatest in most search search engines. WordTracker and AdWords Keyword Suggestion may also be used to find appropriate specific niche market keywords with high look volume and low competitiveness.

3. Wise use of your respective keywords. Once your keyword research is practiced, make sure you sort out or deploy them wisely throughout your pages.

4. Getting other sites to backlink to yours. This will help you to get a high ranking for people with other sites linked to all your page. But remember to target a few significant, good-quality sites that are full of useful info and rank well on google.

5. Structuring your own web page for SEO can play significant part in optimizing any pages. Your page must contain ample links to other significant pages into your site because it helps to spread your site's recognition score evenly throughout an individual's page.

I am one of only a handful of SEO experts who operate on a 'Pay For Results' basis. I am so confident that I will get top rankings that I only get paid once I have achieved the top positions. I only work with a hand full of clients so if this is of interest contact me now before I close our doors.

 search engine optimisation.


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

5 Major Changes Facing the Internet in 2012

Technical operations and policymaking could change significantly this year with the move to ipv6 and new top level domains.
2012 is poised to go down in Internet history as one of the most significant 12-month periods from both a technical and policy perspective since the late 1990s, when this network-of-networks stopped being a research project and became an engine of economic growth.
This year the Internet will face several milestones as it undergoes its biggest-ever technical upgrade, from Internet Protocol version 4 to version 6. In addition, key contracts that the U.S. federal government controls for Internet infrastructure and operations are being re-bid. Taken together, these events could result in monumental changes in both who operates the Internet infrastructure as well as how these operations are handled:
1. The root servers may have a new operator.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has overseen the operation of the Internet root servers since the non-profit was founded in 1998. However, ICANN's contract is due to expire in March, and a new U.S.-based organization could end up in charge of this critical technical function.

The Internet's 13 root server farms are at the top of the DNS hierarchy, which matches domain names with their corresponding IP addresses for looking up Web sites. The operation of the root server farms is overseen by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which reports to ICANN.

Instead of renewing ICANN's contract for the IANA function, the U.S. government has opened up the bid to other U.S.-based organizations. On Nov. 10, 2011, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issued an open bid for the IANA function. Bids were due Dec. 12 and a contract is expected to be awarded in the first quarter of this year. The new contract for the IANA function will last from April 1, 2012 until March 31, 2015.
2. A new company could operate the .com registry.

Verisign has operated the .com domain since 1999. The .com domain is the Internet's most popular top-level domain, with about 100 million .com names registered as of last month. To put this figure in perspective, the Internet has a total of 220 million domain names registered in 280 top-level domains. The number of .com names dwarfs every other domain: It's more than five times greater than those registered in the second most popular extension, which is Germany's .de.

Verisign signed an agreement with ICANN on March 1, 2006 to operate .com, and that contract expires on Nov. 30, 2012.

One positive indicator for Verisign: Last June, ICANN renewed the company's contract to operate the .net registry, which has about 12 million registered names. Verisign will run the .net registry until 2017.
3. Up to 1,000 new top-level domains will start being introduced.

ICANN plans to launch a new program Jan. 12 to add hundreds of generic top-level domains (gTLDs) such as .hotel and .paris to the Internet. This controversial plan has been under discussion for six years, and it is finally scheduled to begin. ICANN's new gTLD program represents the biggest change to the Internet's naming system since 1998, when ICANN was formed.

ICANN has run two previous efforts to expand the Internet domain name space: once in 2000, when it added seven extensions including .biz and .info; and again in 2004, when it added eight more extensions such as .asia and .jobs. None of these new domain name extensions has been particularly successful.

However, if ICANN's latest attempt to expand the domain name space succeeds, it could fundamentally change the way domain names are used. Among the new categories of names that are expected to be approved include: internationalized domain names in non-English language scripts; geographically oriented domains for cities and regions; domain names tied to specific interests as well as domain names tied to individual companies and brands.

4. An additional 10,000 Web sites will support IPv6.

Sept. 30, 2012 is the deadline for all U.S. federal government agencies to support IPv6 on their public-facing Web sites and Web services. An estimated 10,000 Web sites fall under this mandate, which could help drive IPv6 deployment in the United States during the next 12 months.

Established by the Obama Administration two years ago, the federal IPv6 mandate also requires agencies to upgrade internal client applications that communicate with public Internet servers to use native IPv6. But agencies have another two years - until September 2014 - to meet this second deadline. Federal agencies are required to designate an IPv6 transition manager and to purchase network hardware and software that complies with the federal government's IPv6 testing process.

IPv6 features an expanded addressing scheme that can support billions of devices connected directly to the Internet. But IPv6 is not backwards compatible with IPv4, which is running out of addresses. Network operators can either support both protocols in what's called dual-stack mode or translate between IPv4 and IPv6, which could add latency and overhead cost.
5. Europe will run out of IPv4 addresses.

The European regional Internet registry - RIPE - is expected to run out of IPv4 addresses in 2012. Geoff Huston, adjunct research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures at Swinburne University of Technology, estimates that RIPE will run out of its remaining IPv4 address space on July 22, 2012.

In April 2011, Asia depleted all of its IPv4 address space except a small fraction held in reserve for start-up network operators. The North American registry is expected to deplete its IPv4 address space in 2013.

The depletion of IPv4 addresses in various regions of the world will put more pressure on U.S. carriers and enterprises to begin transitioning their networks to IPv6. For example, Comcast has said it will offer production-quality IPv6 services across its nationwide network in 2012.

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