
Saturday, 31 December 2011

Blog Tips

Hi guys i am most interested in blogging than any other activity i indulge in.I am not that good at chatting or interacting with a group of guys for a function or a meeting though am not afraid or shy.A day in office with lots of talking and meeting will be like a day under blazing sun.All i am comfortable is blogging.So i can give you some cool blogging tips.Try to follow this and make use of this tips for better blogging.

Simple and clean design : The first impression is the best.The look and feel of your theme will appeal the visitor to stay on your page.I always recommend white background with black contents and dont go for the alternate option of black background with white font.

Good Content : Content is king as i always say, write quality articles about topics that are expected by your visitors.As a blogger you need to have clear idea about what you are going to provide for your readers.You must be specific on any of the points listed below

* Try to solve their problems

* Educate readers with subject in which you are strong

* Entertain readers with your articles

Format your articles with sub headings : Sub headings are very important factor in an article as most users take a look at subheadings to get a clear idea about what you explained in detail.

Reduce your bounce rate : Try to figure out the reason for bounce rate on your blog.In a recent survey, most blog readers in America are aged old group retired from their work.They will easily move away from your blog even without taking a look at your content if your text is too small to read.Make your text visible to reduce bounce rate to good extend.Try this for better results.

Set your goal : Set in mind that nothing is going to stop you from blogging.Dont get disappointed that you are not getting money or visitors for your blog.There will be many stages you will certainly think of stop blogging.Dont even think of that,keep motivated and belive that you are a good blogger and move towards your goal.The road to success is not easy so keep working hard.

Blog commenting : Blog commenting is the best way to tell other bloggers that am also here along with you.Lets have a friendly match.Start posting meaningful comments and get more traffic and backlink to your blog.Dont worry much about pagerank in beginning stages.i will be writing an article on page rank soon.

Guest blogging : Show your potential as an author to gain more traffic to your blog by writing articles to other famous blogs.Many visitors and bloggers will find that article and knock your door to see what you have in stock for the world.So start writing good articles of diffrent niches.

Choosing the headline : The most important factor for a blogger to make an impression is through his headline.A good headline can easily get the attention of the visitor as well as communicate a short bio of your post to audience and makes the audience to read your post.

You can assign diffrent types of headlines to your post

* Direct headlines is what comes on your mind staright about your post

* Indirect headline takes a little clever approach by making the reader thinking a bit about your headline

* How to headline is something you can see a lot in many diffrent blogs.If you are providing a solution that solves your readers problem the use howto to frame a headline

* A Question headline can be used to ask a queation to the reader.Its a brilliant approach because an answer will be there in users mind before reading your article.

Post with readable headlines : The standout factor of your blog post needs to be your heading.There is no use in writing a attractive and meaningful heading in small size,make it clear and visible.I recommend using <h1> tag and use css to make it
look slightly smaller than normal <h1>.This heading will be clearly visible to visitor and search engines.For the above reason dont make it too big.

Do not publish content of poor quality : A post with poor content or selfish content without proper knowledge on subject will always help you in getting bad name.Always focus to write contents on topics that your reader wants or try to solve your readers problem with your contents.

Use quality images : A quality post with good images will make it a great post among your readers.You are better advised not using images than adding a bad image to your post.provide quality images whereever necessary through out your post and makesure you just published a post with good text ratio with images in the sense you dont used many images and make your post overloaded with images.

About Page : Visitors always wants to know about you as well as your blog so provide them with an about page.I strongly assure you that your about page will be with list of page on your analytics with lot of page views.About page always help you in reaching out more to users by saying them what you are providing and what to expect from you in coming days.

You wil be on your way..Happy blogging!!

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that the total article summery is in the following points:

    * Try to solve their problems

    * Educate readers with subject in which you are strong

    * Entertain readers with your articles
    how to make money

    Really great.
